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Meadowdale Primary School



Last week was quite an unusual one with a lot of the children (and staff!) being poorly. We do hope that the weekend and lots of rest has helped!
Beech class enjoyed their visit to the museum. They were able to dress up in World War One uniforms and had a look through the records of the people who died at war. The children looked for a name in these records and then found the same name on the statue in The Square and on the crosses in the Memorial Garden.
We have continued to look at the book 'Where the poppies now grow' and have discussed the meanings of some tricky words such as barren, stark and dangerous. We have thought about other words that mean the same as these and have tried to use them in our descriptive writing about a battlefield.
In maths we have continued to look at the place value of 2 digit numbers and have been splitting them up into combinations of tens and ones.
Next week, we will be continuing our work on Remembrance and will be writing a letter from a soldier in the trenches.
Reading books
We have noticed that some children aren't changing their reading books as regularly as we would like. We have spoken to these children today and asked them to change their books on Monday - we will chase them up! Please continue to read with your child at home and sign your child's record.
Fingers crossed for everyone feeling a little more healthy this week!