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Meadowdale Primary School



As the children are beginning to settle into the routine of Year 2 we would just like to inform you of a few important things.

Reading books

In Year 2 the children are able to change their reading books on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. At the moment we are listening to every child read and will adjust their book band level if needed. Comprehension and the understanding of vocabulary is important in year 2 so we will be assessing your child on this as they read their books to us. Some children haven't yet brought back to school their books that they were given at the end of year 1 so please could you encourage your child to bring them back next week. We will send the reading books home once we have heard all children.


P.E lessons are on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please make sure that your child has plimsolls or trainers in their P.E. bag as they need to wear these in the sports hall. If your child has their ears pierced, they need to either leave earrings at home on P.E. days or learn to remove them. If this is not possible then please send them to school with some micropore tape which they can cover their earrings with. They need to be able to do this themselves.

Other information

A lot of children have been asking if we have show and tell sessions in Year 2. We have a very busy day and don't often have time to do this. However, children are welcome to bring in books, pieces of work or items that are linked to what we are learning about.

Please could every child also have a named water bottle at school.

It would be very helpful, and save time in the mornings, if the children are aware of what dinner that they are having each day! A menu was sent out towards the end of last term. We do have one in the classrooms and are encouraging the children to read this.

Collection arrangements

Please let us know if your child is regularly collected from school by a child minder or after school provider so we can make a note of this.