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Meadowdale Primary School


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Jenny Eshelby



Our Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO) Jenny Eshelby is a qualified as achieved the National Award for SENDCO.  

You can contact her via the school office by emailing or telephone 01858 465479.




During a child’s school life they may have a particular need or difficulty, which requires special  educational provision to be made for them.

These specific needs include learning difficulties, physical difficulties, and emotional and behavioural difficulties. We aim to identify needs as early as possible and then, in conjunction with families, plan ways to meet and where possible overcome them. The progress of children with special needs is carefully monitored and detailed records are kept.

The provision to meet the special educational need can include small group tuition and help, support during a family crisis, additional work or specific equipment being made available. Sometimes it is necessary to seek specialist advice and help from outside of the school.

We also recognise that “able” children have individual needs and we seek to support, develop and extend their skills. Our school SEND policy, which is reviewed annually, gives greater detail on our provision for children with specific needs.

Learn-AT does not allow the refusal of an application for admission to a Learn-AT school because it is believed that the school is not suitable for the child’s special educational needs and/or disabilities. Parents are encouraged to discuss early with a school the needs of a child with special education needs and/or disabilities, where they are proposing to make an application for admission to the school.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities but no Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are dealt with through the normal admissions policy. Schools cannot refuse to admit a pupil because he/she does not have an EHCP or is being assessed for one.


Meadowdale’s Policies:

SEND Policy

Local Offer October 2023

Equality Information and Objectives

Accessibility Plan

Access and Security Policy

Inclusion Policy


Other sources of information:

Leicestershire County Council’s Local Offer on Children with Special Educational Needs