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Meadowdale Primary School



This week the children have been blending and segmenting with the sounds ‘v’ and ‘k’. We have also introduced the tricky word ‘into’. Next week we will look at the tricky word ‘he’ and blend and segment with the sounds ‘l’ and ‘r’.
The children are really rising to the challenge of writing labels, captions (short phrases) and even simple sentences! To support writing at home, encourage your child to listen for the order of sounds in each word. It helps them to hear you stretch out the word.
Thank you for your continued support with reading at home. Remember to make sure your child has read their new book to you by the Tuesday and Friday of each week. Once they have, either write a comment or tick the title in their reading journal, then we know that we can change it.
This week, the children have explored the book ‘Jungle Animals.’ We have worked together to think of interesting words to describe the animals. Teachers have then completed shared writing activities where they model writing sentences containing these words, with the children listening for the sounds they can hear. Our literacy focus text next week will be ‘Farmyard Hullabaloo’.
This week, the children have explored the number 5. We have also started thinking about practical addition and how we can record this as number sentences! Next week, we will continue this work and explore number 6.
On Monday, the children loved the experience of making Gruffalo Crumble. They have also completed a guided read in a small group, worked with an adult to write about experiences in their play and started to sketch and paint pictures of jungle animals. These activities will continue next week, alongside some small group work on practical addition.
Next week, we will be taking part in ‘World Nursery Rhyme Week’. Nursery rhymes have been proven to support language and vocabulary development, literacy, social and emotional skills.
Thank you to the families of the butterflies groups for choosing a book for ‘Book and Tell’. Next week, it will be the ladybirds group. Please see last week’s update for more information on this.
Thank you for your support with parents evening. It has been lovely to celebrate together all that the children have achieved!